National Desk : | ০২:১১ পিএম, ২০২৪-০১-২৫
Own Correspondent, Chittagong: White chalk powder (Chemical) is being used to thicken curd in Chawkbazar Mishtimukh of Chittagong city. All types of silent killer cancer cells are hidden in it. There is a risk of death in this chemical, along with kidney damage, stomach pains and obstruction of the body. The matter was caught in the mobile court headed by the Executive Magistrate of Safe Food Authority, Abdus Sobhan, at around 2:15 pm on Wednesday.
Earlier, at around 1.30 pm, Abdus Sobhan was caught in the same raid with 'Stale pressure, chicken roast and grill' prepared for sale at 'Sadia's Kitchen' located at Amtal Darul Fazal Market in the city's New Market.
However, due to mysterious reasons, the officials responsible for ensuring safe food for the people of the country suppressed without taking any legal action against the two institutions.
Chittagong Civil Surgeon Dr. Near Mohammad Ilyas Chowdhury. The civil surgeon said that chalk putter is a kind of chemical. If these enter the stomach with food, it can cause cancer and kidney disease as well as death. Moreover, various deadly diseases causing stomach ache make their home in the body. Which can lead to death after prolonged suffering.
Chittagong Metro Officer of Safe Food Authority Bashir Ahmed told the media that on this day we conducted raids in three establishments. Meanwhile, some discrepancies were found at Royal Bangla Suites located at Enayet Bazar intersection in the city. Because of which a fine of one lakh taka has been imposed. Chawkbazar "Mishti Mukh" of the city and "Sadia's Kitchen" of Darul Fazal Market were visited. Some inconsistencies were found there as well. However, these institutions have only been warned without fines or any other punishment.
However, according to the Safe Food Act 2018, there is a provision of a fine of five lakh rupees on institutions including Silgala for the crime of using chemicals (chalkputer) in food.
Similarly, the crime of selling 'stale pressure, chicken roast and grill' has a provision of up to three lakh rupees with a fine to stop it if necessary, according to Chittagong Judge Court senior lawyer and human rights organizer Advocate Md. Ayat Ullah said.
However, due to the same crime, one organization has been warned with a fine, while the other organization has not been brought under any kind of punishment, Bashir Ahmed was asked to know if there is any secret. But he refused to talk about it. Moreover, even after the use of life-killing chalk powder in Chawkbazar sweet mouth curd was caught, there was no answer even after repeatedly asking whether there was any other reason behind taking legal action.
According to Chittagong District Safe Food Officer's office, the Executive Magistrate of Safe Food Authority Abdus Sobhan is staying in Chittagong for the last four days. During this time he ran mobile courts in various hotels, restaurants and food manufacturing establishments. Bashir Ahmed, Chittagong metro officer of Safe Food Authority, Yachinul Haque Chowdhury, Sanitary Inspector of City Corporation and Manowara Begum Moni, Health Assistant (EPI Technician) of Hathajari Upazila Health Complex, who is on duty as Assistant Sanitary Inspector in Karnaphuli Upazila, were present.
Those concerned said that if any discrepancy is detected during the operation according to the rules, there is a provision of imprisonment and fine along with the institution. However, due to mysterious reasons, those involved in the operation without penalty to two/one institutions suppressed the crimes (inconsistencies) of the rest of the institutions.
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