Staff Correspondent : | ০৭:২৩ পিএম, ২০২৩-০৯-২৬
Staff Correspondent: Journalism is the fourth pillar of the state. Therefore, the Commissioner of Information Commission Shahidul Alam Jhinuk commented that it is forbidden for journalists to work in the public interest of the people, society and the state. At the same time, he also mentioned that journalists should be responsible. Shahidul Alam Jhinuk also said, "Journalists should be careful in preparing reports" at the closing ceremony of the three-day mobile journalism (residential) training for journalists of Mirsarai Upazila of Chittagong district on September 26 (Monday) in the seminar room of Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB). As if objectivity emerges in his report. otherwise; The report will lose readership. Describing some real pictures before and after the Great War of Independence, the Information Commissioner highlighted the division of India and the disparity between East and West Pakistan. He even talked about the distribution of border areas of Bangladesh (East Pakistan). He discussed the scope of mobile journalism. At the same time, he encouraged journalists to work with honesty and discussed in detail the importance of honesty and integrity in building society.❞ A total of 28 journalists participated in the training conducted by Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) officer Nazmul Hossain and coordinated by PIB assistant trainer Zilhaj Uddin Nipun. President of the closing ceremony PIB Director General Zafar Wazed encouraged journalists to stay involved with the development of technology. He highlighted various aspects of mobile journalism to the journalists. How to take mobile journalism forward, camera settings, audio, video, use of microphone or headphones, content creation, etc. Besides, he presented the issue of cross check or fact check as very important in the field of journalism and said that fact check is very important. Because fake information can have various harmful effects including chaos and lawlessness in the society. Later, the chief guest of the program distributed certificates to the trainee journalists. The Director of Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) Sheikh Majlish Fuad (Director of Study and Training Division (ongoing duty)) was present on the occasion.
News Desk : Former ISKCON leader Chinmoy Krishna Das has applied for bail in the High Court. His lawyer filed the bail petition on Sunday, January 19.The petition is listed as item 306 on the cause list before Justice Atowar Rahman and Justice Mohammad Ali Reza. A hearing...বিস্তারিত
Chittagong Bureau : The Advisor on Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources, Mohammad Fawzul Kabir Khan, commented that traveling from Chattogram to Sandwip is a punishment. He stated, "Sandwip is an isolated island. If you want to punish someone, you can say, 'Go to Sandwip...বিস্তারিত
National Desk : : . Alam Khan: Shibpur Upazila Purandia Bus Stand Youth Society organized a football game. In the game, the chief guest was member, Shibpur Upazila BNP, Md. Zahirul Haque Mollah (Shahin), Ward No. 1, Putia Union BNP, President: Md. Moazzem Hossain Mollah preside...বিস্তারিত
National Desk : : Alam Khan: The organizer of disabled people in Shibpur Upazila, disabled person Lovely Sultana Khan, on her own initiative, went door to door to distribute blankets to disabled people. Today, January 18, blankets were distributed in her village Ashrafpur. At t...বিস্তারিত
Chittagong Bureau : Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury, a member of the National Press Club and President of the Bangladesh Editor Forum, said, "The red and green flag we earned through the Liberation War of 1971 is not only a symbol of independence but also a symbol of our duty and r...বিস্তারিত
National Desk : : Staff Reporter, Chattogram district intelligence wing's special operation recovered 36 thousand pieces of Yaba tablets, seized 1 microbus for transporting drugs and arrested 2 drug dealers. Chattogram District Detective Police (DB) Officer-in-Charge ...বিস্তারিত
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